Casa de las Hermanas Hospitalarias de Valencia achieves ISO 9001 certification for the provision of social and health services.
OCA Global certifies Casa de las Hermanas Hospitalarias Nuestra Señora del Carmen (Valencia) in quality according to the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, under the scope:
Provision of social and health services:
- Nuestra Señora del Carmen Residence for elderly and/or dependent people in day and residential stays.
- Brain damage unit: rehabilitation and recovery of people affected by brain damage.
- Early care center for children from 0 to 6 years old with developmental disorders or at risk of suffering them and their families.
- Child neurorehabilitation unit
Since its foundation in 1919, the Centro Sociosanitario Ntra. Sra. del Carmen de las Hermanas Hospitalarias has been dedicated to meeting the social and health needs of Valencian citizens.
It currently has several units:
- Brain Injury Unit of Valencia: it was created in 2003 to care for children and adults with motor, sensitive psychomotor, cognitive, language, behavioral and emotional difficulties, who see their personal autonomy and independence limited, triggering in most cases imbalance in adaptation and social participation.
- Residence and Day Center: accumulates an experience of more than 25 years assisting the elderly, providing a differentiated quality service based on humane treatment and the centrality of the patient.
It is important to highlight the effort made by the Hermanas Hospitalarias team to achieve the milestone of renewing the certification of its Quality Management System, which is evidence of procedures that have been in place in the company for a long time.