Certification for ex-basketball players Berni Rodríguez and José Manuel Calderón
Berni Rodríguez and José Manuel Calderón are two former Spanish basketball players with a long career behind them.
Berni focused his entire career on the ACB League, the main basketball league in Spain, while José Manuel, for his part, made the leap to the NBA in the United States.
The two athletes, now retired, created the company Ewo Sports Group in 2020 with the aim of teaching and training in sports with an emphasis on social integration.
Recently, Ewo Sports Group has obtained the ISO 9001 Quality Management and ISO 14001 Environmental Management certificates, covering the management and operation of sports facilities, the organization and development of activities, and education and training in sports.
In the image (from left to right): Mr. Pablo Escribano (Technical Manager OCA Global), Mr. Raúl Mesa (Operations Director Andalucía OCA Global), Mr. Berni Rodríguez (Manager of Ewo Sports Group), Mr. David Lao (General Manager OCA Global) and Ms. Delia Martínez (Technical Consultant).